High-Vibe Blog

Susan Patricia Susan Patricia

Courage in the Calling Podcast: Real-life, Transformative Career & Life Decisions

In part one of this conversation, Taylor Morgan and Susan explore the concept of reframing and reshaping one's mindset to open up possibilities and believe in the universe working in their favor. Susan shares her experiences of transitioning from a corporate career to embracing her psychic medium abilities and finding her true purpose. They also discuss the fear of judgment and the importance of quieting the mind through meditation to receive guidance and overcome old belief systems.

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Susan Patricia Susan Patricia

Career vs. Spirit: When work drains your soul

Today more than ever, people are questioning soul-sucking careers and searching for options outside the matrix. Uncover signs and solutions for finding true happiness beyond your job or title. Learn to release societal expectations, embrace your multi-dimensional self, and avoid burnout to find your purpose and true happiness.

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Susan Patricia Susan Patricia

8 protection tips for your psychic child.

Parents with psychic kids can feel lost. Like any natural talent, a child’s psychic ability develops over time. But you must teach them self-protection techniques and how to set boundaries. Here’s where to start!

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“DISCLOSURE” - An eye opening series that will challenge everything you believe to be true.

Secret “good” organizations DO exist. The Disclosure Series is a groundbreaking 5-part experience that takes you on an eye-opening trip that will challenge your belief system. You’ll hear from two extraordinary people who describe their experiences performing missions that help change our everyday life for the positive.

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